No of course not. You may see a lot of articles and web sites giving you the impression that you need a solicitor to set up your LPA. This just isn’t true. Do bear in mind that the person setting it up needs to understand a few things. Namely the implications of the decisions the donor makes and that they are in a fit state to make them.
The fees advertised by some firms will make your eyes water.
The government site provides everything to enable you to create the LPA yourself. So if you are feeling confident then there is nothing to stop you.
However, the forms need to be completed without errors and in the correct order. Mistakes found in the application could lead to the LPA being rejected and additional fees incurred to complete the application.
If you are well organised and methodical you can save yourself a lot of money. Bear in mind that you still need to pay the £82 registration fee per LPA and that for full coverage each person needs both a financial and a health and welfare LPA.
That’s £164 in total just for the registration, there are possible reductions to the registration fees depending upon your particular circumstances.
The above is true for most people but some may have more complicated situations that would mean setting up the LPA is not straightforward. You should read about these complications to make sure you are not affected. If you are then it is probably best to seek legal advice.
The services available from a third party such as the LPA Agency are not intended as legal advice. They are provided to ensure all the correct information is entered and checked before being submitted and is an additional cost to the OPG registration fee.
It is not uncommon to see charges for these fees to range from a few hundred pounds to thousands. Unless you have a complicated situation, there generally isn’t a need to spend so much.