How to use an LPA when you need it the most

Every registered attorney should receive a letter informing them of each LPA that they have been nominated for. This letter will include a reference to the LPA case number ( a 12 digit code) and an activation key. The activation key format is “C-” followed by 12 alpha numeric characters.

It is very important that you store these details in a safe and accessible place. It will no doubt be a stressful time when there is a need to invoke the LPA so make sure you can find the details straight away.

When the time comes to use the LPA you must create an account on the government portal here for LPAs registered in England and Wales.

You will need your LPA reference number and your activation key

Services offered by the portal

  • Allow a company to view details of the LPA
  • keep track of who has access to an LPA
  • see who is using the service
  • request an activation key
  • replace a lost or expired activation key

Generate access codes

Every attorney can create a unique access code for each company or organisation (eg bank) that needs to see a summary of the LPA before they will give you the necessary authority to act.

Each access code is 13 characters long and is valid for 30 days

The company will use the same portal to view the LPA using this access code using the “View an LPA” option.

You always have the option to take the official paper version of the LPA for verification but the online portal will always have the most up to date information if there have been any changes such as attorney address details etc.

What details does the company see?

They will check some or all of the following details

  • Donor’s details (name, address and date of birth) match their records
  • That you are an attorney on the LPA – they may want to see your ID
  • How decisions can be made (jointly or severally)
  • Donor’s choice on life sustaining treatment (Health & Welfare)
  • Any of the Donor’s instructions
  • Whether the LPA is still valid and registered
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